quarta-feira, junho 11, 2008

letting go of marion


i'm going to display your picture in my personal altar. the altar every person in the ritual is going to put together. i need closure in my life relating to her. you know? so we can move on. she already did, and so did i, but something still connects me to her. why would that be? i still don't know. some stupid pattern, that keeps repeating itself. it's not even personal. it is a battle i fight with myself, and everytime i fight her instead of looking at myself. shame on me... maybe you are just a dream. but anyway; there will be other people there too, to keep you company. other people that are important to me, even if i don't mean anything to you, with a candle, and a white flower. so everybody is good aftwards. don't worry, it is not black magick. you know i don't believe in that. or else, i do believe, but i like to gather positive karma, not to destroy it. i'm planning to retire soon from planet earth. when i'm old enough, when i have solved enough matters. don't worry. we'll be good. letting go of marion, a noisy butterfly.
that is all.


Rosamund Stacey.

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