Minha terapeuta tinha dito para eu fazer uma lista com exatamente tudo o que eu procurava em uma pessoa, outra que não eu, pra somar comigo... Tá entendendo?
E eu fiz uma lista minuciosa, mas não consegui encontrar. Pouco tempo depois fiz outra, que vou publicar aqui. (não sei porque me veio em inglês; isso acontece muito comigo)
- you gotta love me and I gotta love you
- we gotta feel good together
- the comfort of intimacy and security on the hugs gotta be present
- I need to feel safe, loved, desired and protected
- I want my man to have some freckles on the chest and a few on the face
- we got to work great in bed, both for sex as for sleeping together. Must be warm and delicious.
- you gotta be a good man and trust me and treat me well. you gotta honour our relationship and I must admire you for who you truly are
- you need to understand and feel my importance in your life and make me feel it
- we need to communicate well and always, even if silently
- In exchange for your faithfulness to me I'm gonna be loving and gentle at (almost) all times. Loving and generous.
- you must be faithful to me because you also believe in energies, and in a monogamic and two way hand relationship and also because you have a good Saturn in your chart working in our behalf, which gives you a strong sense of self and security, so you can pass it along to our kids also (when they come).
- you gotta have a way with me and with the kids
- we must be honest to ourselves in order to be honest with each other and we will respect eachs' individualities without drama
- our relationship must be calm and creative, but the feelings we share must be deep, intense and strong based on well built up emotions.
- you gotta believe in the stars, just like I do.
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